The Breeding Station Gurdau
Sunny hillsides of South Moravia, vineyards alternating with lush deciduous forests full of wildlife, flowers and birds, and with warmed slopes of scrub steppes. A deep valley limited by surrounding hills – from which you can see a majestic crest of Pálava on one side and on the second side you look through the plains region and the fertile fields towards Brno. Here, in the hearth of region of wine, wildlife, traditions and good people, there is the village Kurdějov.
In times long past which none of us remembers, when one after another Land Lords turns up, the name of this magically beautiful place has change along with them. From Curdieiow, Gurdey, Gurde, Gurdau – to the present. And one of the forms of its name became the inspiration for titling our breeding station. The breeding station GURDAU was approved by the Bohemian and Moravian Cynological Union on 23rd January 2007 and it became the logical result of my previous activities in the field of hunting cynology.
Since 1995, when I started to gain first experience with hunting dogs, a lot of hunting dogs of various breeds has undergone training with us and they were brought in tens of competitions and examinations at all levels of applicability. Exterior talented dogs are also paraded at the shows from the club to the international. Commonplace in training and leading of the dog is an individual approach by a trainer to each individual, selected in accordance with its specific character traits, its temperament and ability to learn new things. The training takes place in the rich hunting grounds with a lot of cloven hoofed and small game. Moreover, the movement of the dog over the pheasant and hunting district of Lesy České Republiky is a daily programme. Every dog has many possibilities to improve and develop its hunting skills, manageability, calm in contact with wild animals, etc. We always hold the principle that the training has to entertain and enjoy our dogs. Only then we can reach a unique friendship and harmony between the dog and its leader, only then the dog knows what is doing and why. Mutual trust of the dog and man is placed above the mindless execution of orders. Our goal is calm, equable and non-stressed dog which is cooperating with joy and willingness.
We firmly believe that you are satisfied with results of out breeding and training work and that it is possible to recognize the key why we are doing it and why it is our lifelong hobby. It is an affection and love for our four-footed friends and the joy of looking at well-conducted and happy dogs. We hope that the name “Gurdau” which is overarching not only our breeding station but also training and practical utilization of hunting dogs, it is – just thanks your satisfaction – the synonymous for quality, helpfulness and human and friendly access to the hunting dog.